Nexif Ratch Energy is a renewable energy company that originates, acquires, develops, constructs and operates clean-energy power projects in the Asia Pacific (APAC) region.
Nexif Ratch Energy is owned 51% by Nexif Energy (Singapore) and 49% by RATCH Group (Thailand). The company was established in December 2022 with the contribution of a portfolio of assets developed by Nexif Energy and leveraging the shareholders’ expertise in developing, financing, acquiring, operating, restructuring and turning-around projects across the APAC region.
The company is headquartered in Singapore with regional offices in the Philippines, Vietnam and Thailand presently.
Our portfolio includes 378MW of operating, under construction and shovel ready hydro, solar and wind assets and a development pipeline of proprietary wind, solar, and energy storage projects totaling over 6 GW.
Our target generation technologies include hydro, solar, onshore, nearshore and offshore wind, Battery Energy Storage System (BESS) and other emerging clean-technology projects across target markets in APAC region.
The new platform is poised for rapid growth, benefiting from Nexif Energy’s and RATCH’s proven power expertise and track record as it converts its pipeline and develops and acquires new projects.
More information about Nexif Energy can be found on www.nexifenergy.com
More information about Ratch can be found on www.ratch.co.th