
Environment, Social & Governance



Nexif Ratch Energy strives to undertake its business activities in an environmentally responsible manner to manage the environment effectively and efficiently, improve company performance, and reduce risks & liabilities through the systematic application of good management practices.

We aim to identify, minimize, and control adverse impacts on human health and the environment by providing clear, standardized and structured procedures to manage these risks and setting out responsibilities thereof, for example, by managing pollution and resources from the project activities, including emissions, water discharges, and reducing the amount of waste generated.

We also recognize the urgency of tackling climate change and the need to curb emissions, for which we our goal is for our business to make a positive contribution to the reduction of carbon emission intensity of the countries in which we operate to help them move toward the set targets.


  • Implement an Environmental and Social Management System (ESMS) that is consistent with the IFC Performance Standards and applicable international and national requirements;
  • Comply with the national and local environmental laws and project consents / approvals;
  • Integrate environmental management plans into all project phases of design, construction, operation and decommissioning to avoid, minimize and mitigate environmental impacts wherever possible;
  • Strive toward responsible operational ambition by driving continuous performance improvement through setting of ambitious targets related to efficient resource utilization;
  • Ensure that environmental control measures are effectively implemented within Nexif Ratch Energy and its contractors and suppliers through systematic monitoring and reporting of environmental performance; and
  • Ensure that this policy is adhered to by Nexif Ratch Energy and its contractors and suppliers as well as communicated to all relevant stakeholders, as appropriate.


We believe that every person deserves the right to be treated with dignity. Respect for human rights is a pillar of our core values, and we strive for full compliance with applicable laws and regulations. We endeavour to ensure that our employees and contractors’ employees will have fair treatment, non-discrimination, and equal opportunity.


We apply consistent health and safety standards for all activities during project development, construction, and operation, with the aim to provide a safe and healthy working environment, and prevent any incidents that may harm our staff, contractors or nearby communities. We maintain a culture where our employees and contractors understand and minimize the safety risks in their day-to-day work practices, are responsible for their safety, and intervene to protect others. We also implement an occupational health and safety management system that is founded on internationally recognised health and safety systems and guidelines.


We conduct our business activities with the highest level of corporate governance, in line with all applicable laws and regulations. It is our policy that all of our respective officers, directors, employees, contractors, consultants and agents representing Nexif Ratch Energy or any of our subsidiaries shall comply fully with all applicable anti-corruption and / or anti-bribery legislation.


For further enquiry and feedback regarding our Social and Environmental, & Governance policies please contact our Social and Environmental Division as on the contact address or email us on: